
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Marijuana and Alcohol Essay Example for Free

Marijuana and Alcohol Essay It shouldn’t be much of a surprise that alcohol and marijuana comprise the two most commonly abused drugs by young adults in America. But while many would ask why young adults use these drugs, it’s more important to understand how these drugs affect the body. What exactly do these drugs do to the body and how does the body process them? Are the effects always negative? Does the amount consumed make a significant difference? First I will give a brief history of each drug, followed by the physiological processes of digesting each drug in the body, and I will conclude by examining the short and long-term effects of prolonged use of each substance. My goal is to give honest explanations about the effects of each drug using the most recent and accurate scientific data and statistics. To understand these drugs more effectively, it is important to give a brief history of each. Marijuana use has been documented as early as 2737 B. C. in ancient China. It spread through India, North Africa, and Europe as an â€Å"agent for achieving euphoria† and as a medicine for a variety of illnesses (â€Å"History of Marijuana†). It was first introduced in America in 1611 in Jamestown, Virginia. Up until the 20th century, it was never made illegal in the United States because the users didn’t seem to cause harm to themselves or others while on the drug. It wasn’t until the 1930’s that legislation was introduced to portray marijuana as a dangerous, addictive drug that would lead to narcotic addiction. 40 years later, in the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, marijuana was legally classified as a Category 1 drug (the same category as LSD and heroin). During the Reagan administration, very strict marijuana laws were passed in attempt to further discourage teenagers from using the drug. The end result was a decrease in usage in the short term, but there has been a steady upward trend of usage since the early 1990’s (â€Å"History of Marijuana†). The history of alcohol also dates back thousands of years. Fermented grain, fruits, and honey have been used for alcohol production since 7000 BC. Again, the first documented use is in China. Gradually, the use of alcohol spread through India, Babylon, and Europe. By the 16th century, the British government actually encouraged alcohol use for â€Å"medicinal purposes† (â€Å"Alcohol: A Short History†). Not coincidentally, alcoholism became a widespread problem for Great Britain during that time period. But it wasn’t until the late 19th century that attitudes around the world starting changing in regards to alcohol. A movement for prohibition was rising and by 1920, the United States had outlawed production and distribution of alcohol. 13 years later, in response to an enormously uncontrollable black market for alcohol that the government indirectly created, Congress repealed the law. Today, alcohol is widely used by not just those legal to buy it, but also by teenagers and young adults. An estimated 15 million Americans (all ages) suffer from alcoholism and 40% of all deaths due to car accidents involve alcohol. (â€Å"Alcohol: A Short History†) It is important now to focus on the physiological process of digesting marijuana in the body. An article titled â€Å"How Marijuana Works†, written by Kevin Bosner gives extensive detail on how the body processes the drug. Marijuana is most commonly ingested through smoke. The strongest chemical in marijuana is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannnabinol), which gives a â€Å"high† feeling to users. When smoke from marijuana is inhaled, THC goes into the lungs and is exposed to millions of tiny sacks called alveoli. The alveoli are responsible for the gas exchange between capillaries and lungs. THC enters the alveoli where it is transferred to the blood stream, which then brings the compound into major organs like the brain. Typically, THC reaches the brain within seconds after it is inhaled. After THC reaches the brain, it affects the neurotransmitters in the brain by mimicking and blocking the actions of the neurotransmitters. When neurotransmitters are blocked, the transfer of neurons across the synapse is hindered. This slows down reaction times and cognitive ability. It is also important to note that the brain does have cannabinoid receptors, which process THC, a cannabis chemical. The cannabinoid receptors when activated can have an effect on short-term memory, coordination, learning, and problem solving. The cannabinoid receptors are normally activated by a neurotransmitter called anandamide. THC mimics the actions of anandamide and therefore can bind to cannabinoid receptors, activate neurons, and affect the body and mind. Cannabinoid receptors exist in seven different places in the brain: hippocampus, cerebellum, basal ganglia, amygdala, hypothalamus, neocortex, and brain stem. Each place in the brain controls different functions in the body and each is affected in a different way by the cannabinoid receptors. When THC binds with receptors in the hippocampus, it affects the short-term memory. When THC binds with receptors in the cerebellum, it can affect one’s coordination. THC can affect unconscious muscle movements when its binds to receptors in the basal ganglia leading to a loss of motor coordination skills. People also feel anxious and nervous when ingesting marijuana due to the effect THC has on the amygdala, which is responsible for anxiety, emotion, and fear. When THC binds to receptors in the hypothalamus, it affects one’s appetite, which explains why people tend to get hungry when they feel high. THC impairs problem-solving abilities when THC binds to receptors in the neocortex, which is primarily responsible for â€Å"higher cognitive functions and the integration of sensory information† (â€Å"How Marijuana Works†). Lastly, the effect it has on the brain stem can reduce the sensation of pain. Alcohol, on the other hand, is processed in a different way than marijuana. Alcohol can only be ingested orally, usually in a liquid form that goes straight down the mouth through the esophagus and into the stomach. The Brown University Health Center gives an in-depth discussion of the digestion process of alcohol in an article titled â€Å"Alcohol and Your Body. † Once in the stomach, the alcohol flows through the walls of the stomach into the bloodstream and on to the small intestine. From there it flows into the liver. In the liver, a compound called gastric alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) metabolizes the alcohol. The amount of ADH a person has will determine how well the body can process the alcohol. The more ADH the body has, the better it can process the alcohol. A normal, healthy liver can process about half an ounce of pure alcohol every hour. If the rate of alcohol ingested exceeds 1 pure ounce every hour (about 1 standard drink per hour), the rest of the alcohol continues through the blood stream and flows to the heart. When it enters the heart, alcohol reduces the heart rate, which lowers the amount of blood being pumped through the body. This lets the capillaries relax and as a result, blood pressure goes down. The heart rate will return to normal shortly after the alcohol passes through the heart, but the blood pressure could remain low for up to a half hour after the alcohol goes through the heart. After passing through the heart, alcohol flows through the pulmonary artery into the lungs. After the gas exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide, the blood, which is now oxygenated but still contains alcohol, flows back to the heart through the pulmonary vein, and then out of the heart through the aorta to the rest of the body. It then reaches the brain and retards the transmission between nerve cells that control the ability to think and move. This causes many of the side effects associated with being drunk: fuzzy thinking, impaired judgment, blurred vision, and rubbery muscles. Alcohol also reduces the production of antidiuretic hormones. These hormones prevent the body from making too much urine. A loss of these hormones results in too much urine. Too much urine causes lower levels of liquid, vitamins, and minerals in the body, which is why many people feel so thirsty when they drink and especially the day after they drink. The flow of alcohol throughout the body will continue until the liver can produce enough ADH to metabolize all the alcohol. Obviously, the more alcohol consumed, the more intense the side effects of drunkenness will become (â€Å"Alcohol and Your Body†). Now that the physiological process of alcohol and marijuana is clear, it is necessary to compare the effects of each substance. â€Å"Marijuana vs. Alcohol†, an article published on saferchoice. org, outlines both the short and long-term effects. Beginning with the short-term effects (effects felt immediately within minutes of consuming either drug), both drugs impede brain function and cause some similar side effects. However, there are some key differences between the two drugs that must be addressed. First, an excess of alcohol consumption in one sitting can lead to death. If the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) gets too high, (usually . 4% or above) it can slow down the heart to the point where the contractions stop all together causing cardiac arrest. It can impede brain function to the point where unconscious breathing no longer continues resulting in death. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 37,000 people are killed annually in the United States from alcohol abuse (â€Å"Marijuana vs. Alcohol†). The CDC does not even have a category for people killed from marijuana use. There has never been a case of an individual dying from a marijuana overdose. Another differing effect is the impact each drug has on brain cells. It has been well documented that alcohol kills brain cells, but marijuana has not been proven to kill brain cells and in fact, a growing number of studies in the medical community indicate that marijuana has properties that protect brain cells (â€Å"Marijuana vs. Alcohol†). Alcohol can also have damaging effects in its behavioral components. According to â€Å"Drugs of Abuse and The Elicitation of Aggressive Behavior, an article written by Peter Hoaken, â€Å"alcohol is the drug with the most evidence to support a direct intoxication-violence relationship. † On the other hand, marijuana was shown to reduce the likelihood of violence during intoxication. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism also reports 25-30% of violent crimes in the United States have a link to the use of alcohol (â€Å"Marijuana vs. Alcohol†). There is no comparable statistic for violent crimes with a link to marijuana because the government doesn’t track violent crimes related to marijuana use. It is a rare occurrence. Alcohol use has also been shown to contribute to domestic abuse and sexual assault. Obviously, alcohol does not directly cause this problem but those are who more prone to that kind of behavior will likely act on it during alcohol intoxication. The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) declared alcohol to be the most commonly used chemical in sexual assault crimes. Interestingly, RAINN’s website gives information about all drugs that are linked to sexual violence and marijuana does not even have a category on their website because it has never been associated with sexual assault crimes (â€Å"Marijuana vs. Alcohol†). Clearly, in the short term, the effects of marijuana are less dangerous than alcohol when both substances are used to get intoxicated. But there is another component to the discussion: alcohol is not necessarily used for intoxication. Most adults drink a beer, or a glass of wine with dinner. The drink or two does not cause any of the serious effects associated with â€Å"drunkenness†, but rather might relax the individual by slightly lowering heart rate and blood pressure. While there are a small minority of people of who use marijuana in this way, (perhaps a small dosage before a meal to improve the taste) it is in no way as widely used in this manner as alcohol. Most people smoke marijuana with the sole purpose of intoxication. So it begs the question, can a drink or two daily be good for the human body? There have been a number of studies in the last decade to suggest that it is indeed beneficial to have a drink or two daily. According to an article â€Å"Alcohol is Good For You? † in the New York Times, there is general consensus in the scientific community that a couple drinks a day ward off diabetes, dementia, and even lowers the risk of heart attacks. The article goes on to say though that a growing number of scientists are starting to question whether this is causation or correlation. Many scientists believe that moderate drinking is not something healthy to do, but rather something that healthy people tend to do. That being said, there are certain factors that lead scientists to the belief that a low amount of alcohol consumed daily can be beneficial: alcohol increases HDL cholesterol which has anticlotting effects and alcohol also reduces the heart rate and blood pressure lowering stress on the body. All in all, more studies are being conducted to determine whether or not there is true causation between moderate drinking and marginal health benefits. However, even the largest proponents of moderate drinking acknowledge the limitations in truly proving causation. The study would be costly and in order to avoid bias and controversy, the study would have to be financed by the government and the government would likely avoid the issue because it is controversial. In terms of marijuana though, there is no group of respected scientists that recommend smoking a joint daily for health benefits. There have been studies showing that smoking moderate amounts of weed may not be as harmful as was originally thought, at least to some parts of the body. But again, it still isn’t recommended. According to an article in Scientific American called â€Å"Casual Marijuana Smoking Not Harmful to Lungs†, smoking one joint per day over long periods of time does not decrease lung function. The study compared the effects of cigarette and marijuana smoke on the lungs over twenty years. Obviously, tobacco was revealed to have negative effects on the lungs, but with pot-smokers, lung capacity was not affected at all and even in some cases seen to have mild improvement. Scientists believe though that this may the effect of the â€Å"deep breathing† that marijuana users often do to sustain a better â€Å"high. † Also, the typical marijuana smoker might smoke one joint per day while the typical cigarette smoker ingests between half a pack and two packs per day. Although the study shows some neutral and slightly positive effects of marijuana on the lungs, they also go on to say that chronic moderate marijuana use, meaning those who smoke up to a joint per day for years, has also been associated with anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorders and depression. Again, it is hard to prove direct causation between marijuana and mental illnesses, but there certainly is a correlation. The article also says that marijuana affects learning and memory, as well as everyday functioning and alertness. These long-term effects are not necessarily shocking, but depending on the age of the marijuana user, the long-term effects can be extremely detrimental. According to â€Å"Adolescent Pot Use Leaves Lasting Mental Deficits†¦Ã¢â‚¬  an article in Science Daily, marijuana use has much more serious effects on adolescents. The study followed a group of teenagers, documenting their IQ at age 13 and age 38. There was an average decrease of 8 points in those who started using pot chronically (at least once a week for a few years) before 18 years old. There was not a similar decline in those who started using the drug after 18. Worst of all, the damage was irreversible. Many of the ones who lost IQ points stopped smoking marijuana after age 18, but never recovered the cognitive ability they lost due to marijuana. Those who smoked chronically before age 18 were also more likely to suffer from mental illnesses at some point in their life. Many of the same losses in cognitive functioning are associated with underage drinking as well. One of the main reasons the drinking age in the United States is 21 is because it has been proven in numerous studies that alcohol abuse as an adolescent impairs cognitive ability and hinders brain function. Generally speaking for drinkers of all ages, one of the largest long-term effects of chronic alcohol abuse is a wide variety of cancers. Alcohol abuse can cause cancer of the stomach, esophagus, colon, pancreas, liver, and even the prostate (â€Å"Marijuana vs. Alcohol†). In comparison, marijuana has not been associated with any forms of cancer. There is another alarmingly serious consequence associated with alcohol abuse that has not been found with marijuana abuse: addiction. Alcohol is a very addictive substance. It is not uncommon for the body to go through alcohol withdrawals after continuous drinking over even a short period of time. Common alcohol withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, twitchiness, sweating of the palms, and headaches. Marijuana has not been shown to cause any physical withdrawal side effects. There might be a psychological addiction, but no physical symptoms of withdrawal in the body (â€Å"Marijuana vs. Alcohol†). In conclusion, neither drug is recommended in large amounts over a long time period or any time period for that matter. Clearly though, in the short-term, the effects are far less grave and dangerous with marijuana. Alcohol overdoses are deadly. Marijuana â€Å"overdoses† will cause to you to pass out at worst, but will not kill you. Alcohol in large quantities makes people more violent, and can often to lead to sexual assault. Marijuana does neither. Prolonged abuse of either substance though leads to declining cognitive function. Excessive marijuana abuse leads to depression, schizophrenia, and other mental illnesses. Excessive alcohol abuse can lead to liver failure, cancer, sometimes depression, and many other diseases. Most importantly, both drugs are especially damaging to adolescents because they affect the development of the brain. Overall, these two drugs, when used in moderation, won’t kill you, and might even have some beneficial effects. For example, marijuana is often used as a medicine: many people recovering from chemotherapy use it to relieve nausea and increase the appetite. One or two drinks of alcohol per day can lower the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, and stroke. The big difference between the two is that alcohol has been studied for decades now. The consensus on alcohol is clear: too much is bad and it is acceptable in moderation. Marijuana has not been studied as extensively and more research will need to be done to determine concrete side effects or benefits associated with long-term usage. Obviously, it is not as harmful as originally thought when it was first made illegal in 1970 and classified as a Category 1 drug. Nobody today thinks marijuana is as dangerous as LSD and heroin. That being said, many more studies need to be done before the scientific community can come up with a general consensus about the long-term effects of habitual usage of the drug. Works Cited Adolescent Pot Use Leaves Lasting Mental Deficits; Developing Brain Susceptible to Lasting Damage from Exposure to Marijuana. ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 27 Aug. 2012. Web. 18 Nov. 2012. http://www. sciencedaily. com/releases/2012/08/120827152039. htm. Alcohol and Your Body. Rep. Brown University Health Education, n. d. Web. 18 Nov. 2012. http://brown. edu/Student_Services/Health_Services/Health_Education/alcohol,_tobacco,__other_drugs/alcohol/alcohol__your_body. php. Bosner, Kevin. How Marijuana Works. HowStuffWorks. N. p. , n. d. Web. 18 Nov.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Far From The Madding Crowd :: essays research papers fc

Far From the Madding Crowd Whether you are of the opinion that love is a wonderful thing, love knows no boundaries, or love is blind, one fact remains constant: love is like a snowflake—no two loves or snowflakes are ever exactly alike. In Thomas Hardy’s Far From the Madding Crowd, the heroine, Bathsheba Everdene, has the luck (or unfortunate mishap) of courting not one, or even two, but three suitors during the course of the novel. Although Bathsheba Everdene could be considered to be in quite an enviable position by many women, both yesterday and presently, she doesn’t always seem to enjoy being courted by her numerous suitors. Most importantly, though, Bathsheba’s character grows and evolves because of, or in spite of, the situations she encounters and eventually overcomes throughout her romantic escapades.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Initially, Bathsheba’s character is high-spirited, feminine, naà ¯ve and self-centered. This is the first impression she gives Gabriel Oak, who eventually becomes a suitor, when she encounters him at the beginning of the story. The first time Gabriel lays eyes on Bathsheba, she is gazing admiringly at her own reflection in her pocket mirror. Gabriel realizes immediately that her greatest fault is â€Å"what it is always . . . vanity† (p. 56).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Gabriel, although impressed by Bathsheba’s beauty and vivacity, does not immediately begin to court her. He is quite smitten with her from the very beginning of their relationship. Gabriel even goes so far as to repeat her name over and over and is quoted as saying â€Å"I’ll make her my wife, or upon my soul I shall be good for nothing† (p. 74.). He proposes marriage to her, but she admits that she does not love Gabriel and, if they tried to make a relationship work without love, he would grow to despise her. Being the amiable fellow that he proves himself to be throughout the story, Gabriel is quite firm when he tells Bathsheba, â€Å"Very well . . . then I’ll ask you no more† (p. 82).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although Hardy might wish his readers to believe that this episode is the end of any romance between Bathsheba and Gabriel, we realize that there is a grain of truth to the phrase â€Å"save the best for last.† Meanwhile, Bathsheba moves on with her new life as mistress of the farm that her recently deceased uncle has left for her. She agrees to hire Gabriel as a shepherd, so he stays in the picture throughout the remainder of the story and witnesses her romance with Mr.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Apple Marketing Strategy Essay

1. Apple Marketing StrategyApple has been so successful in these last years thanks to his fresh, imaginative way to think and do its business: awinning combination of exceptional products, great style and design, great strategy, innovative marketing, sleekand enticing communications.Apple owes its overwhelming success in the last years to the iPhone and to the smart iPod and iTunes productcombination, a combination of a great hardware piece with great style, great software, great performance, userfriendly interface, with a good e-business service. The iPod + iTunes halo effect and new great Mac computers andMac OS software did the rest in increasing Apple revenue stream. In the 5 years between 2003 to 2008 the Apple share value increased 25 times, from $7.5 to $180 per share. At july2008 prices, before the US Financial Crisis, Apple stock market capitalization was $160 billion.In January 2010 Apple shares topped the $210 mark.But even the best companies with the best products have bottleneck factors which often avoid full exploitation ofthe opportunities.The iPod.Few people are aware – and few market analysts too – that for the first 3 years the iPod was an absolute flop. TheiPod was launched in october 2001, and between 2001 and 2004 iPod sales were between 100-200 thousand unitsper quarter, very far from todays 10-20 million units per quarter, and the iPod sales were not even covering theproduct research & development costs. Then, in June-Aug 2004 something happened, and iPod sales began to grow strongly, quarter after quarter. Today,we all know where the iPod stands, and what a remarkable success it is.The iPod made the fortune of Apple, and it stands out as the major turning point in the company growth.Few people know that the iPod + iTunes business idea was not conceived inside Apple, but was proposed to Appleby an outside source, a music lover and Engineer named Tony Fadell.More on Tony Fadell and on the iPod marketing on iPod Marketing StrategyThe iPod marks another outstanding result in marketing:the annihilation of competitors. To know more see the analysis onThe iPod competitorsIt should be noted that, since the second generation of iPods in 2002, the iPods were made compatible not only withthe Mac operating systems but with Microsoft Windows operating systems as well.We should ask ourselves (and to Steve Jobs): how many iPods would have been sold if the iPods would had beencompatible only with Mac operating systems?Where the iPod is manufactured and assembledThe iPhone. The pipeline of new products which came out from Apple in the last years is impressive, and overwhelming. In 2007,with the successful launch of the iPhone, Apple has marked another milestone in its development and growth.And moreover, the iPhone enters a market – the market of mobile phones – a market which is mature, and saturated.Nonetheless, Apple has been able to develop a revolutionary product, and to change the paradigm in the mobile 2. Phone market.The iPhone is 5 years ahead of all its competitors. A wonderful product, amazing user interface, great design. It isnot only a mobile phone, it is a product between a mobile phone and a laptop computer. Even calling it asmartphone is not enough.In July 2008 Apple launched the second generation iPhone, the iPhone 3G.The iPhone 3GS.In June 2009 Apple launched its third generation iPhone: the iPhone 3GS.The iPhone 3GS has a 3 megapixel autofocus camera, video recording and editing capabilities, voice control, longerbattery life, 7.2 Mbps HSDPA internet connection. iPhone 3GS is twice faster than the iPhone 3G. The iPhone 3GSprices: $199 for the 16GB model, $299 for the 32GB model.more on the new iPhone 3GS on the iPhone 3GS page.More on iPhone Marketing on the iPhone Marketing Strategy page.Apple did great. no doubt. However Apple has done some serious mistakes.The most serious mistakes Apple has done concern marketing and distribution strategies in Europe.Apple has overlooked the European markets, and missing big numbers in unexploited sales. With better marketingstrategy, better communication and distribution, Apple could have made 300% more revenues in Europe in the last 4years. Apple Marketing in EuropeWe met with with Erik Stannow, Apple Vice President of Marketing for Europe & EMEA. We have been talking withErik Stannow about the marketing and distribution issues of Apple in the European markets and we gave somevaluable suggestions to improve the Apple marketing strategy and distribution in Europe.Well, it seems that in Cupertino they dont care so much about Europe.Steve JobsIf we talk about Apple success, about Apple great products, we need to talk about Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs has beenand is the great mind behind all this.Steve Jobs is a genius, he is a magician, too. He is the most skilled guy in introducing new products – â€Å"†¦ one morething† – the most skilled in presenting the key features, and he is a great communicator. Even more important, Steve Jobs has Vision. Vision in the strategy, Vision in the product development, Vision in thealliances.Apple Communication Strategy.Apple communication is sober, intriguing, simple, clear, minimalist and clever. And it has a style of its own. Both inthe tv ads, both in print ads, both in the online communications. A lesson to be learned by many companies in theworld. Well, of course when you have great products it is much easier to entice the costumers, but neverthelessdoing it with style and cleverness is a very good point. It boosts sales, but enhances the brand value too.The famous â€Å"I am a Mac, I am a PC† tv ads are a milestone in communications. Smart, simple, effective andhumiliating (for Microsoft †¦).More on Apple Communications and on the Apple Commercials â€Å"I am a Mac I am a PC† on the AppleCommunication Strategy page.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Mr. George Washington Jr. - 1025 Words

Ready to change the world, Mr. George, formally known as George Washington Jenkins Jr. had a dream that he could build a â€Å"food paradise†. One of eight children of a general store owner in Georgia, Mr. George at 12 begin to help out in his father’s store. He then gradually migrated to Florida where he worked at a Piggly Wiggly store where he quickly became store manager. When that winter haven store closed because of the economic times Mr. George set out to change the grocery world with great innovation and excitement. 1930 Mr. George built the first Publix Supermarket in winter haven, FL. This store was one the first air conditioned stores to have piped-in music, cold cases for cold and refrigerated items and electric automatic doors. Mr.†¦show more content†¦Examples of these groups in the grocery store is customer service, grocery, pharmacy, deli, bakery, meat, and produce. Each of these departments have a manager and an assistant. Along with managers mo st of these departments have one if not two team leaders, varying in title and description. All of these positions, through the proper channels reports to the store manager. Publix is one of the rare places that the focus on customer service is so high that there is power given to even below management associates. I interviewed Vanessa Cox, Customer Service Staff for almost 12 years, at store number 475 in Hernando, FL. Vanessa and I spoke about her views on management and the affect that it has on her. Customer service staff is also a type of management. This is a front office position that takes care of what was known as the common area prior to 2005 and is now known as customer service. Vanessa spoke about the unbelievable pressure applied to staff to provide premier customer service. Publix has a guarantee that should a customer not be satisfied with their purchase Publix will gladly refund the item in its entirety immediately. As customer service staff it is one of her main res ponsibilities to take care of these types of issues. Publix management give Vanessa the power to take care of the customer to a great extent with having to ask permission. Vanessa has had many opportunities to move up in management but for her the stress of the position is not healthy for her.